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Holiday Homes in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in South Woodham Ferrers

Booking your holiday accommodation in South Woodham Ferrers early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Regrettably, we do not have any holiday cottage rentals in southwoodhamferrers at present.

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The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular group of holiday lets, for example luxury self-catering.

All self-catering cottages and apartments is of a high standard, most is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to South Woodham Ferrers, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex.

Other Holiday Rentals in Essex
Belchamp WalterBillericayBraintreeBrentwoodCanvey IslandChelmsfordClacton-On-SeaColchesterDedhamGreat DunmowGreat MaplesteadHalsteadHarlowHeybridgeJaywick SandsManningtreePebmarshSouth Woodham FerrersSouthendThorpe Le SokenWest MerseaWitham

If you are looking to discover what Essex has to offer for a self-catering holiday then South Woodham Ferrers could be a convenient base. Mainly comprised of modern buildings, this commuter town offers good regular rail links in to London, a large supermarket, a swimming pool along with good sports facilities and a convenient location for discovering some of Essex’s best loved locations on days out. Surprisingly, the town also caters for nature lovers with Woodham Fen covering some 10 acres of grasslands and creeks that run by the River Crouch.


Places to Visit on Day Trips from South Woodham Ferrers

Whilst enjoying a self-catering break in the town, the following could be good places to visit:

•    Literally just up the road from South Woodham Ferrers, 5 miles away, is the scenic village of Battlesbridge with its historical buildings antique centre, tea rooms and pubs.

•    For those holidaying with kids or those who enjoy riverside walks, the nearby town of Maldon is recommended for a visit. With shops, cafes and a fantastic riverside area at Promenade Park with large play areas and a water splash park area, this park is practically guaranteed to keep children entertained and is a scenic place for adults to enjoy too.

•    If you want to do some shopping and eating out during your holiday, Essex’s county town of Chelmsford is just a bus ride away  and is 13 miles from South Woodham Ferrers.

•    For fun family days out or romantic walks by the sea, Southend offers plenty of cafes, shopping and entertainment and is only 15 miles from South Woodham.

•    For those keen to explore Essex, it’s even possible to visit the beautiful village of Dedham with its boutique gift shops and tea rooms for the day and to discover stunning Constable Country. Flatford Mill in the heart of Constable Country is less than an hour’s drive from South Woodham Ferrers.

All in all South Woodham Ferrers is a very family-friendly town and could be a great base for your Essex getaway.