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Holiday Homes in Billericay, Essex

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Billericay

Booking your holiday accommodation in Billericay early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

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All self-catering cottages and apartments is of a high standard, most is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in Billericay, Essex, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Billericay, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Billericay, Essex.

Other Holiday Rentals in Essex
Belchamp WalterBillericayBraintreeBrentwoodCanvey IslandChelmsfordClacton-On-SeaColchesterDedhamGreat DunmowGreat MaplesteadHalsteadHarlowHeybridgeJaywick SandsManningtreePebmarshSouth Woodham FerrersSouthendThorpe Le SokenWest MerseaWitham

Billericay is a convenient base for a self catering stay near London where you can travel in to England’s capital city relatively easily and is also well placed for exploring the county of Essex.  Billericay is one of the main commuter towns in Essex with its good regular train service in to London and is also surrounded by attractive Essex countryside, making it an option for a self-catering break.

What Billericay Offers Holidaymakers

•    Billericay has an attractive high street with a number of attractive historical buildings, as well as a good selection of pubs, restaurants and shops.  

•    Billericay also has green spaces to explore including Lake Meadows Park with its lake and lakeside walks.  

•    The countryside surrounding Billericay includes fields, farmland and some woods.  If you want a relaxed day out whilst enjoying a cottage break why not visit the attractive village of Stock near Billericay.  This village is particularly quaint and the Bear pub has an excellent reputation for serving good quality food but such quality does have a price tag to match!

•    For family fun, just outside Billericay is Barleylands farm park and craft village.  Youngsters can see and sometimes feed and stroke some animals such as bunny rabbits.  Farmers markets are regularly run here as are craft displays.

•    You can enjoy day trips to the seaside too when holidaying in Billericay as the coastal town of Southend is just half an hour's drive away.  With a range of amusements, a beach and plenty of seaside fun, whatever your age, Southend makes for a good day out.

•    Whether you want to see the London eye, catch a show in the West End or take a trip to see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, London with its world famous attractions is only around 35 minutes' train ride from Billericay.

If you are looking for a country cottage stay in Billericay we hope you find the right self catering accommodation for you here.  Self catering in Essex ranges from apartments to holiday chalets and cottages.  For self catering holidays in Essex and near London, Billericay could be a good option for you.