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Holiday Homes in Brentwood, Essex

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Brentwood

Booking your holiday accommodation in Brentwood early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Unfortunately, we have a sad lack of holiday cottage rentals in brentwood at present.

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All holiday accommodation is of a good quality, most is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in Brentwood, Essex, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Brentwood, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Brentwood, Essex.

Other Holiday Rentals in Essex
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Those looking for a self catering stay in Brentwood in Essex are usually looking for somewhere near London to take a break or are looking to visit Brentwood for business reasons or to see family or friends.  With trains in to London from Brentwood taking around 30 minutes, Brentwood is well located for self catering breaks near London.  Brentwood is quite a large developed town with an approximate population of 71,500.  Brentwood is part of Essex’s commuter belt due to the excellent train links in to London.

Although called Brentwood, the town is not a place with lots of greenery and there are mostly lots of modern buildings around the town centre, although there are of course tree lined streets and parks outside of the centre of town.  There are a good number of shops, restaurants and bars in Brentwood as would be expected of a town of its size.  Most of the buildings in Brentwood are modern although there are a few historical buildings here and there. 

If you are looking for somewhere for a country cottage break, you may be interested to hear that near Brentwood, outside the town there is much greenery including farmland, fields and woodland.  Brentwood itself though is quite built up and self catering accommodation within the town is most likely to be in the form of self catering apartments or town houses.

Deep in the countryside not too far from Essex is a fascinating visitor attraction which many are not aware of.  Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker is approached through thick forest and it is quite an adventure finding this place hidden away in the woods.  A visit to this nuclear bunker is a truly fascinating experience as you find out more and more as you go deep underground.

Brentwood has recently gained fame in the reality TV series The Only Way is Essex which features a number of glamorous Brentwood residents and the show often features a number of shops and venues in Brentwood. 

Whatever your reason for taking a self catering break in Essex, we hope you find comfortable cottage accommodation options from log cabins, holiday chalets to villas to rent. Self catering accommodation options allow you to the opportunity to enjoy this part of Essex at your own pace and relax in a comfortable environment.