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Holiday Homes in Harlow, Essex

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Harlow

Booking your holiday accommodation in Harlow early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

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All self-catering cottages and apartments is of a good standard, most is tourist board graded.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in Harlow, Essex, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Harlow, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Harlow, Essex.

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Harlow is a developing town located in county of Essex in England. Located on the western part of the county of Essex, Harlow is situated on the border of Hertfordshire and the Stort Valley. The town is located near the M11 motorway, which makes it a primary part of the London commuter belt. With a growing population of around 100,000 people what does the town of Harlow have to offer when it comes to tourism?  Harlow is one of the UK’s ‘new towns’ and has a bustling centre with many shops.  There are also art galleries, theatres, bars and restaurants to be found, along with some attractive green spaces. 

There are some buildings of historical interest in Harlow to visit whilst on a self catering break but being a new town, these are not extensive in number.     Some of the attractive places located in Harlow include the Gibberd Gallery, which is a collection of 20th century British water colour paintings and drawings. The gallery exhibits work of some of the most popular artists of the world. The Gibberd Garden located in the town is a 20th century garden that consists of some popular sculptures and architectural wonders.

Harlow has green parks to enjoy in good weather and some nature reserves such as Hawkenbury Meadow and Harlow Marshes.  Also on the outskirts of Harlow is Parndon Wood Nature Reserve where you can look out for deer and interesting birds.  Or stay in town and visit Town Park with its own farm area called Pet’s Corner where younger visitors can meet various rare breed animals including special varieties of cattle and pigs.  Or if you enjoy riverside walks why not walk along the River Stort Trail which links Gibberd Garden with Parndon Mill which is where you can visit various artists studios.

Whatever you choose to do in Harlow and whatever the type of self catering accommodation you are seeking whether country cottages, log cabins, small self catering cottages or big cottages, we hope you find the right accommodation in Essex for you on this Country Cottages website.