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Holiday Homes in The Mumbles, Swansea

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in The Mumbles

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Cottages, Apartments & Holiday Houses in The Mumbles, Swansea, Wales

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to The Mumbles, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in The Mumbles, Swansea.

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Self Catering Holidays The Mumbles

The Mumbles or Mumbles is a community and area located in the county of Swansea in Wales. The name of this place was derived from a headland sprawling into Swansea Bay. Tourists often frequented this area to spend leisure time on beach side. The climate of this place stay pleasant all round the year, which bring in tourists in summer and winter vacations for spending self catering holidays.

Though it is a small area, there are several attractions located in this community. It houses the ruin of Oystermouth Castle, Mumble Light House, Clyne Gardens, Three Cliffs Bay, Mumbles Pier, Dylan Thomas House, Gower Surfing School, Oyster Gallery, Gower Heritage Centre, The Lovespoon Gallery, and Mumbles Fine Art. The tourists can also visit Swansea Museum, which stores collections of bones of Ice Age Animals.

Apart from its attractions, the town has a comprehensive array of self catering accommodations, which are located here in the form of holiday chalets, log cabins, apartments, cottages and villas. These accommodations are popular for providing comfortable stay to tourists during vacations. Self catering stay options are highly comfortable and spacious and can be rented at affordable rates. If one is coming along with a large group, which also include kids and animals, then these accommodations are ideal ones to stay.