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Holiday Homes in Swansea, Swansea

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Swansea

Booking your holiday accommodation in Swansea early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

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The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular group of self-catering accommodation, for example golf holidays.

All holiday cottages is of a good standard, most is tourist board graded.

Cottages, Apartments & Holiday Houses in Swansea, Swansea, Wales

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Swansea, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Swansea, Swansea.

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Self Catering Holidays Swansea

Swansea, which means mouth of the Tawe is Welsh language, is a city and county located in Wales. Swansea is a coastal city and famous amongst tourists for its breathtaking beaches and beachside attractions. It is an ideal tourist place to be in summer and winter holidays. The sandy south west Wales of coast, where it is actually located attracts tourists with its exotic locations. Every year tourists from all over the places come here for spending self catering holidays along with family and friends.

As it is a prime city in the county, there is a wide array of tourist attractions, which are located in and around the town. Of all the attractions, the famous places of interest here are Clyne Gardens, Egypt Centre, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Gower Heritage Centre, Horton Beach, Mission Gallery, National Waterfront Museum, Swansea Castle, Swansea Grand Theatre, Swansea Marina, Swansea Market, Swansea Museum, Swansea Sail Bridge, Swansea to Mumbles Cycle Way, the Lovespoon Gallery, and The Tramshed.

Besides tourist attractions, the town is famous for self catering accommodations, which are scattered all over the town in the form of holiday chalets, log cabins, apartments, villas and cottages. These types of accommodations here are famous for their unique staying facilities and amenities. These accommodations not only provide the comfort and convenience but can be availed at affordable costs as well.