Holiday cottages Wales: features, choices, amenities

Find a holiday home in Wales with specific features and amenities

Need a family-friendly holiday home in Wales that has a fenced garden, play equipment for children, perhaps a stairgate to prevent a toddler from climbing stairs?

Find the right holiday home that suits your needs using the Cottage Facility Search where you just tick the options that you need

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family friendly holiday cottages walesAlternatively, you may find a holiday home that meets your family needs using the following features:

Family-friendly Welsh holiday cottage features


High chair


Fenced garden



Dogs welcome cottages in Wales

Two dogs permitted

3 or more dogs permitted

Dog bowls

Dog friendly Welsh holiday cottages that have a BBQ

Dogs welcome log cabin holidays in Wales


Welsh holiday homes with extra leisure facilities

Holiday home in Wales that has a swimming pool

Hot tub cottage Wales

Cottages that have a snooker table

Tennis court

Jacuzzi bath


Desirable features in the bedroom

En-suite bathroom

Welsh holiday homes that have a four poster bed

King-size bed

Welsh holiday homes that have a superking bed


Living room features

Open fire





Range cooker

Electric cooker

Gas cooker


Cottages with a coffee machine


Bathroom facilities

Power shower


Accessible holiday cottages Wales

Accessible cottages in Wales for mobility impaired guests

Bungalows in Wales - accommodation on one level