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    Self-catering cottages in and near Hay on Wye for the Hay Festival

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    Take a Look at these Similar Cottages to Self-catering for the Hay Festival, Wales

    Suran Y Coed
    Knighton, Powys Around 27 miles
    Suran Y Coed, Powys,  Wales Viewed 18 times in last week.
    Sleeps 2 - 4, 2 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 320 - £ 920
    Next Available: 22/01 to 14/02/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Games room Balcony Garden BBQ
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed
    Hiraeth Country Cottage
    Dolau, Powys Around 29 miles
    Hiraeth Country Cottage, Powys,  Wales Viewed 9 times in last week.
    Sleeps 4 - 8, 3 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 570 - £ 1748
    Next Available: 07/03 to 20/03/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: woodburner Open fire Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden free wifi
    Type of Holiday: 1 dogs welcome

    The Hay Festival takes place in various locations across the world.  Each year though the Hay Literary Festival is usually held in Hay on Wye in Wales.  Hay is a small town near the Black Mountains and Welsh Marches, which lies just north of the Brecon Beacons National Park.  During the time of the Hay Festival the population of Hay swells as visitors come for the festival and workshops.  For details of when the festival is held do please do your research and look up the official website for the Hay Festival.

    If you're truly in to literature and love books you may want to visit Hay on Wye during this time and attend the festival.

    For busy times of year it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

    Click on markers on the map or on the photos for more details about each cottage in or near Hay on Wye.