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Holiday Homes in Sligo, Sligo

Self-Catering Holiday Cottage Accommodation in Sligo

Booking your holiday accommodation in Sligo early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

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The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular group of self-catering accommodation, for example cottages near a beach.

All holiday lets is of a good standard, much is tourist board graded.

Cottages and Self-Catering Holiday Accommodation in Sligo, Sligo, Ireland

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Sligo, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Sligo, Sligo.

Other Holiday Cottages and Accommodation in Sligo

Sligo, a borough, is a beautiful county town located in County Sligo of Ireland. The town is referred as a city as well as town and it is the second largest urban area in Connacht. The town is popular for its exotic tourist sites and mesmerising landscapes, which compel tourists to come here for self catering accommodations.

The prominent tourist sites of this city are Sligo Abbey, Sligo Famine Memorial, Roslee Castle, Sligo Courthouse, Sligo Art Gallery, Knocknarea, Glencar Lake, Aughris Cliff Walk, Benbulben, Tobernalt Holy Well, The Lough Gill Drive, Clock tower, The Roman Catholic Cathedral, Sligo Borough Council, and the Court House. The ancient buildings of this town offer absolute delight to history buffs.

Beside these attractions, the town is famous for self catering accommodations, which are available here in the form of holiday chalets, villas, log cabins, apartments, and cottages. Due to the presence of these types of accommodations, the town is considered as an ideal tourist destination. These accommodations offer an opportunity to holiday in home like environment, miles and miles away from home. Self catering accommodations are spacious and utmost comfortable; the best stay option for tourists who are coming in large group, especially when it consists of kids and pets.