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Holiday Homes in Athleague, Roscommon

Self-Catering Holiday Cottage Accommodation in Athleague

Booking your holiday accommodation in Athleague early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Unfortunately, we do not have any holiday homes in athleague at present.

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The best way to find a selection of additional holiday villas or apartments is to select the country and county from the menu above.

The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular category of self-catering accommodation, for example golf holidays.

All holiday rentals is of a high standard, much is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages and Self-Catering Holiday Accommodation in Athleague, Roscommon, Ireland

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Athleague, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Athleague, Roscommon.

Other Holiday Cottages and Accommodation in Roscommon

Athleague, which means the ford of the flagstones in Irish language, is a beautiful town located on the River Suck in County Roscommon in the west of Ireland. The town is popular for its exotic landscapes and scenic location. Owing to its pleasant environment and old city charm, the place is regularly visited by the tourists for enjoying self catering holidays. The major attraction of this place is Maenucan Atha Liacc church, which was found in 500 AD. There are various options available for recreational activities and amusements for adults and kids. Tourists can also visit local market place and old time night club to enjoy the nightlife of this place. Travellers also can take tour of museum, art galleries and theatres located here to take deep look into the culture and history of this place. Availability of self catering accommodations in the form of holiday chalets, villas, log cabins, apartments, and cottages increases the enjoyment of staying in this town manifolds. These types of accommodations are perfect for family holidaying, especially when there are kids and pet in the group. People who come here often prefer to stay in these accommodations as it offer flexibility and freedom while vacationing in Athleague.