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Holiday Homes in Dromahair, Leitrim

Self-Catering Holiday Cottage Accommodation in Dromahair

Booking your holiday accommodation in Dromahair early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Regrettably, we have a sad lack of holiday homes in dromahair at present.

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The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular type of holiday lets, for example activity holidays.

All self-catering cottages and apartments is of a good quality, much is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages and Self-Catering Holiday Accommodation in Dromahair, Leitrim, Ireland

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Dromahair, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Dromahair, Leitrim.

Other Holiday Cottages and Accommodation in Leitrim
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Dromahair is a picturesque small village located in the County Leitrim of Ireland. The village of Dromahair is located at a distance of 10 km from Manorhamilton and 17 km away from Sligo town. The village is popular for its exotic locations and long stretched landscapes, which make this village an ideal tourist spot. Travellers from all over the places come here for spending self catering holidays in summer and winter vacations. As it is one of the renowned tourist spot in that region, there are different types of stay option available in this village such as hotels, resorts, and lodges. The popular tourist attractions of this village are Creveelea Abbey, Tour De Humbert Cycling Trail, Ard Nahoo, Health Farm, and Parke's Castle. Tourists can take ride of the Wild Rose Waterbus, which takes tour of Lough Gill; it starts from Sligo and ends at Parke's Castle. The village is dotted with various pubs and restaurant, where tourists can visit at night to have good time. Besides its attractions, the village also houses a wide array of self catering accommodations, which comprise holiday chalets, log cabins, apartments, villas and cottages. Due to the presence of these exquisite stay options here, Dromahair is considered as an ideal place for vacation in the region.