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Holiday Homes in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire

Self-Catering Holiday Cottage Accommodation in Aboyne

Booking your holiday accommodation in Aboyne early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

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All self-catering accommodation is of a good standard, much is tourist board accredited.

Cottages and Self-Catering Holiday Accommodation in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Aboyne, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire.

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Aboyne is a serene and exotic village located on the edge of the highlands in the county of Aberdeenshire in Scotland. The town is situated on the river Dee, at a distance of 48 km west of Aberdeen. The village hosts a wide range of tourist places, due to which a great number of tourists come to Aboyne for spending self catering holidays. The village owns a rugby club, swimming pool, a golf course, Bowling Green, and tennis court, which offer an excellent source of entertainment to the tourist coming here for vacationing.

The prime attractions of this place are Aboyne Castle and Loch of Aboyne, which are located near the village. Most of the tourists come here in the season of summer for spending holidays in self catering accommodations. There are several types of self catering stay options, which are scattered across the village in the form of villas, cottages, holiday chalets, log cabins, and apartments.

The village has trails and pathways running alongside the beautiful locations of Aboyne, where tourists can take delight of walking and cycling. Walkers and cyclist can climb Mount Keen, which gives them opportunity to view exquisite sites surrounding the village. Aboyne village also conduct adventurous activities such as gliding, attracted to that, many adventure buffs come to Aboyne for adventure holidays.