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Holiday Homes in Basingstoke, Hampshire

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Basingstoke

Booking your holiday accommodation in Basingstoke early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Regrettably, we do not have any holiday homes in basingstoke at present.

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The best way to find a collection of additional holiday villas or apartments is to select the country and county from the menu above.

The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular group of holiday lets, for example cottages with a sauna.

All cottage holidays is of a good quality, much is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Basingstoke, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Basingstoke, Hampshire.

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Basingstoke is a modern town in Hampshire with a thriving industrial hub as well as a shopping centre and various other attractions.  Although lacking the historical appeal that older towns possess, Basingstoke nevertheless has a number of facilities and could be a good base for exploring northern Hampshire on a self-catering holiday.  Attractions at Basingstoke include pavement cafes, restaurants, Milestones interactive family museum and the leisure park with swimming pool, multi-screen cinema, bowling alley and ice skating rink.

Self catering accommodation in Basingstoke is mostly in the form of self catering holiday apartments, town houses and cottages.  Basingstoke though is surrounded by beautiful countryside so in the nearby areas it may be possible to find rural retreats or country cottages.  Wherever you decide to stay whilst enjoying a self catering holiday in Hampshire we hope you enjoy all that this area has to offer.