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Holiday Homes in Doncaster, East Yorkshire

Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Doncaster

Booking your holiday accommodation in Doncaster early is recommended for the best choice of holiday rentals.

Regrettably, we have a shortage of holiday cottage rentals in doncaster at present.

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The Cottage Search may also prove helpful if you are looking for a particular group of holiday accommodation, for example luxury self-catering.

All self-catering properties is of a good standard, much is tourist board inspected and assessed.

Cottages, Apartments & Lodges in Doncaster, East Yorkshire, England

CountryCottagesOnline.Net features holiday home(s) within or close to Doncaster, enjoy browsing through the available options. We hope you find the perfect holiday house for you in Doncaster, East Yorkshire.

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Doncaster is a traditional market town, which has been in place for over 800 years.

Tt is the largest market town in the North of England,with hundreds of shops and stalls. There is a specialist fish market, and an excellent food market, selling goods from all over the world. The food market has gained recommendation from the renouned chef, Anthony Worrell Thompson.

Doncaster's best know attraction is its racecourse,which has recently undergone a massive £32 million redevelopment.  It is home to the World's oldest classic race, The St.Ledger, held every September. There is a full race programme throughout the year.

 Doncaster boasts one of only three civic Mansion houses in Britian today,which was first opened in 1749.

the town has an excellent shoppping area, as well nearby out of town retail parks and outlets.

In the Borough, there are numerous things to see and do, including:

  • Europes largest paintball and lazer venue at Bawtry ( Bawtry itself was an old 12th century port, and has a range of exclusive shops and cafes)
  • The Dome leaisure center, which regularly holds shows and concerts.
  • the Yorkshire Wildlife park at Brockholes Farm, which has a vast range of animals, and holds special events throughout the year.
  • Doncaster Museum and art gallery
  • Doncaster aircraft museum
  • there is also a bus museum locally at Sandtoft.