Nearest Airport and Railway Station: . Nearest city or town: Glasgow, Glasgow City, approximately 0 miles away. Type of self-catering holiday: Pet-friendly rural retreat. Short Breaks and weekend breaks: Not available
About this dogs welcome single storey cottage for up to 2 guests in Argyll and Bute
The Turbine House was originally built to provide power to Ellary Estate and it has been successfully converted into a one bedroom, open plan sitting room/kitchen cottage. Kitchen is fully fitted with fridge/freezer, microwave and washing machine. Bathroom has no bath but a large walk in shower. The Turbine House is heated by underfloor heating throughout. Decking on one side of the cottage provides fabulous outdoor space.
Facts about this holiday accommodation in Lochgilphead.
Recommended Attractions near Lochgilphead: Day trips are possible as far as Fort William and beyond to the North, most of central Scotland to the East and as far as Glasgow to the South.
To the West, you can take ferry trips to Arran, Gigha, Islay & Jura, Mull and Iona and these can all be accomplished in time to get back for tea leaving plenty of time to do or see whatever motivated the trip.
Such excursions might be to visit some of Scotland's famous gardens such as Brodick, Achamore, Arduaine or Crarae or a trip on the steam locomotive from Fort William to Mallaig, a game of golf or a visit to a distillery on Islay, a day skiing at Glencoe or Aonach Morr or one of the hundreds of other attractions which the West of Scotland has to offer.
More about the Location: Near a Beach, Property close to the Sea, Golf Course nearby, Good area for Walking, Outdoor Pursuits available nearby: angling, beachcombing, bird watching, cycling, fishing, golfing, walking, wildlife watching.
The owner or agency for this cottage has advertised with CountryCottagesOnline.Net since 2003.
Booking Information
This owner does not offer secure online booking. We recommend wherever possible booking online via secure online booking.
If you would like to book, please call the owner, and discuss their booking process with them. Owners that do not accept online booking, may request you fill out a booking form and pay via Bank Transfer.
To stay safe when booking direct, it is strongly recommended that you:
Call the owner or agency on the phone number given on the ad and check over the phone with them, that the bank details are correct before making any payment.
Check on your bank that the name details on the account that you are making any payment to, match with the name details for the company you are booking with (i.e. ensure you have confirmation of payee before proceeding).
We recommend never making a payment to a foreign bank account via bank transfer.