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    Self-catering cottages and holiday accommodation in Leyburn, North Yorkshire, England

    2 properties
    Leyburn, North Yorkshire
    Cowstonegill, North Yorkshire,  England Viewed 3 times in last week.
    Sleeps 4 - 7, 4 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 525 - £ 2596
    Next Available: 04/04 to 11/04/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Open fire Dishwasher Games room Garden free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed
    Leyburn, North Yorkshire
    Coddiwomple, North Yorkshire,  England Viewed 10 times in last week.
    no booking fee
    Sleeps 3 - 5, 3 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 615 - £ 2095
    Sorry this property has not provided availability and detailed pricing information.
    Living & Leisure Facilities: coffee machine Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden BBQ free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed Special celebrations Hen Parties Stag parties
    Find self-catering holiday accommodation in and around the Leyburn area of North Yorkshire, England. Please click on the images of any holiday rentals shown to view details.

    Additional self-catering cottages, apartments, country houses, log cabins, pine lodges, and other accommodation for holidays in Yorkshire, England and the UK can be browsed through by using the Feature Pages menu on the left.