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    Self-catering short break holidays in Isles of Scilly, England

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    Take a Look at these Similar Cottages to Short breaks in Isles of Scilly England in self-catering holiday accommodation

    Penzance, Cornwall Around 30 miles
    Cragford, Cornwall,  England Viewed 4 times in last week.
    Sleeps 4 - 10, 4 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 1474 - £ 7027
    Next Available: 23/01 to 15/02/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Open fire Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Sauna Garden BBQ
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed

    Scilly Isles: Self-catering country cottages, apartments, large country houses and all types of self-catering accommodation available for short breaks in Isles of Scilly, England.

    Check property details using the menus on the left because not all properties offer short breaks all year round; quite often it is limited to low season only. The minumum period for a short break is usually 3 nights but can vary. Please use the Feature Pages Menu to find short breaks in other parts of the UK.