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    Self-catering cottages and accommodation in County Roscommon Ireland

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    County RoscommonCounty Roscommon is blessed with many sparkling lakes and rivers. The River Shannon meanders its longest length through the county where it broadens out to form Lough Ree. The lake is a popular choice for coarse angling. There is good bream fishing on the River Boyle and the River Lung. For a day on the water, boaters will find Lough Key, with its many enchanting islands, a pleasure. Boats can be hired at Rockingham Harbour. The area around Lough Key has been designated a Forest Park. The park has signposted walks, a ruined castle and underground passageways.

    Much of Roscommon county is the epitome of rural Ireland: rolling green hills dotted with traditional farming communities. The area is particularly suitable for walking and cycling on account of the many quiet country lanes, which form a network across the countryside.

    There are many historical sites across the county. Strokestown Park House and Famine Museum are an interesting combination. The house itself is an 18th mansion, resplendent with fine antique furniture and decoration. Outside there is a pleasant walled garden. Moving from the finery of the house to the Famine Museum, the atmosphere darkens. The museum tells the story of the Great Irish Famine using original documents from the time and of the desperate plight of the starving tenants. The town of Strokestown also hosts the Strokestown International Poetry Festival every May. Another interesting piece of social history can be enjoyed at the Arigna Mining Experience. This interactive museum actually includes a tour through a disused mine.    

    Self-catering holiday cottages and apartments to rent in County Roscommon, Ireland: