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    Self-catering cottages in the West Midlands for long let bookings

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    Take a Look at these Similar Cottages to Self catering holiday accommodation for long lets in the West Midlands and Birmingham England

    The Granary at Donative Farm
    Warton, Staffordshire Around 17 miles
    The Granary at Donative Farm, Staffordshire,  England Viewed 10 times in last week.
    Sleeps 2 - 5, 2 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 540 - £ 640
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden BBQ free wifi
    Type of Holiday: 3 dogs welcome Special celebrations
    The Stables at Donative Farm
    Warton, Staffordshire Around 17 miles
    The Stables at Donative Farm, Staffordshire,  England Viewed 12 times in last week.
    Sleeps 1 - 4, 2 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 540 - £ 640
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden BBQ free wifi
    Type of Holiday: 3 dogs welcome Special celebrations
    The Byre
    Appleby Magna, Leicestershire Around 22 miles
    The Byre, Leicestershire,  England Viewed 9 times in last week.
    no booking fee
    Sleeps 1 - 4, 2 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 745 - £ 948
    Next Available: 28/01 to 31/01/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed Special celebrations Hen Parties
    The Barn
    Worcester, Worcestershire Around 28 miles
    The Barn, Worcestershire,  England Viewed 10 times in last week.
    no booking fee
    Sleeps 3 - 6, 3 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 425 - £ 620
    Sorry this property has not provided availability information.
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden BBQ free wifi
    Type of Holiday: 2 dogs welcome Special celebrations

    Looking for a cottage for a long rental in the West Midlands?

    The West Midlands is a county surrounding the city of Birmingham in the central west area of England. The county borders Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire. It is a very urban county with only the green belt of unspoilt land free from industrial and city development. Even though it is a very urban area, there is still plenty on offer in regards to attractions and sightseeing. The Birmingham botanical gardens, Dudley Castle, The sealife centre, Wightwick Manor and Walsall Art gallery as are just a few.  For cottage accommodation in general in the West Midlands see self-catering holiday accommodation in the West Midlands

    Any self catering cottages in the West Midlands that welcome long let bookings will be shown on the map below.  When it comes to long let bookings it is usually possible to negotiate a discount direct with owners or agencies.