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    Self-catering holiday accommodation available for long lets in Manchester

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    Manchester is a bussling city towards the north west of England. Manchester boasts some great attractions, fine dining, fantastic nights out and much more, so why not experience a fantastic city lifestyle on your holiday or long let. With plenty of music events, art galleries and exhibitions, musuems and architectural wonders you will have plenty to enjoy on your stay. There is also a great history to Manchester that should b explored, this includes places such as Tatton Park, The Monastery, and Manchester Cathedral.Manchester is also a fantastic place to visit if your a shopaholic, vintage stores, designer outlets, vinateg markets and more are on offer to quench your shopping thirst. A list of self-catering holiday properties in Manchester that are available for long lets for anything from a few weeks to a few months during the winter or low season.These are ideal for anyone in between house moves or relocating to another part of the country.

    A discounted rental is usually offered for long lets. Please Click to discover more Self-catering holiday accommodation in Manchester