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    Self-catering holiday accommodation available for long lets in Lancashire

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    Lancashire is a county found on the north west coast of England, bordering the counties of Cheshire and Yorkshire. Home to the town of Blackpool, the typical british seaside town with donkey rides and the popular Pepsi Max roller coaster. There is also animal attractions, great family day out attractions and historical sights to explore, these include Blackpool zoo, Lancaster maritime museum and Leighton Hall. Lancashire has some beautiful countryside with unspoilt moors of the Forest of Bowland situated right in its centre. A list of self-catering holiday properties in the Lancashire and the North of England that are available for long lets for anything from a few weeks to a few months during the winter or low season.These are ideal for anyone in between house moves or relocating to another part of the country. A discounted rental is usually offered for long lets. Please Click to discover more Self-catering holiday accommodation in Lancashireengland/cottages-in-lancashire.html