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Self-catering holiday accommodation in Tavistock, Devon

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If you are planning to go away to somewhere pretty and interesting for your holiday, the market town of Tavistock in Devon may be the perfect destination for you. Not only is the town itself beautiful, but it also offers an abundance of play centres, adventure trails and other attractions to keep even the hardest to entertain family members amused no matter what the weather. The stunning stone built town allows you to have a rural escape to really get away from everything, especially if you enjoy days out in nearby Dartmoor, and the breath-taking scenery means that a holiday in Tavistock is one that you will remember forever.

There are so many different accommodation options if you are looking to book a self-catering holiday in Tavistock, Devon. Whether you are looking for an Easter getaway or a summer break, you are guaranteed to find a property in the Tavistock area which suits your needs, no matter what they might be. There are properties in the region suitable for both small and large groups, sleeping anywhere between four and twenty two people, meaning that no matter what the occasion for your holiday, you are sure to find accommodation as spacious as you need it to be. Plenty of the cottages available in the area come with luxury features including hot tubs, their own swimming pools and even gyms and bowling alleys, meaning that no one will ever be bored even if you choose to just spend the day at the cottage. Pets are welcome in plenty of the holiday homes, so your holiday really can be a break away for the whole family, with nobody getting left behind or shut away in kennels.

Budget is not a problem in Tavistock as there is suitable accommodation no matter what you are planning to spend, and with free internet access in most properties, you’ll be able to stay in contact with friends and family too.

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