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    Self-catering holiday accommodation near Weston-super-Mare, Somerset

    3 properties
    Bramley Lodge
    Weston-super-Mare, Somerset
    Bramley Lodge, Somerset,  England Viewed 4 times in last week.
    Sleeps 3 - 6, 3 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 590 - £ 2387
    Next Available: 23/01 to 01/02/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed
    Cider Barrel Cottage
    Rodney Stoke, Somerset
    Cider Barrel Cottage, Somerset,  England Viewed 13 times in last week.
    no booking fee
    Sleeps 2 - 4, 2 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 540 - £ 700
    Sorry this property has not provided availability and detailed pricing information.
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Garden BBQ free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed
    Yew Tree House
    Glastonbury, Somerset
    Yew Tree House, Somerset,  England Viewed 10 times in last week.
    Sleeps 5 - 12, 5 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 2500 - £ 2500
    Sorry this property has not provided availability and detailed pricing information.
    Living & Leisure Facilities: woodburner Open fire Microwave Dishwasher Washing machine Games room Sauna
    Type of Holiday: 2 dogs welcome Special celebrations Hen Parties Stag parties Group welcome

    Self-catering holiday cottages, country houses, pine lodges, and apartments near Weston-Super-Mare in Somerset. Once a thriving Victorian seaside resort Weston- Super- Mare is now even more popular because of its 19th century growth. With events such as T4 on the beach being hosted here every year, the towns attraction from tourists grows and with the beautiful sandy beaches hosting  the Sand sculpting competition two years running, Weston-super-mare becomes a delightful spot for a self-catered break to the seaside for many months of the year.

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