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    Self-catering country cottages, houses and apartments in West Chiltington, West Sussex

    2 properties
    Woodmancote Holiday Lodge
    Linchmere, West Sussex
    Woodmancote Holiday Lodge, West Sussex,  England Viewed 11 times in last week.
    Sleeps 1 - 4, 1 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 519 - £ 1807
    Next Available: 01/05 to 13/06/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Microwave Own swimming pool Sauna free wifi
    Type of Holiday: 1 dogs welcome Families
    Woodend Annexe
    Arundel, West Sussex
    Woodend Annexe, West Sussex,  England Viewed 3 times in last week.
    Sleeps 3 - 6, 3 Bedroom
    Weekly price: £ 663 - £ 2781
    Next Available: 04/02 to 04/03/2025
    Living & Leisure Facilities: Dishwasher Washing machine Garden free wifi
    Type of Holiday: No dogs allowed

    From the coast to the countryside, seaside resorts to historic towns and picture-perfect villages, Sussex is chock-full of things to do, days out and places to see. Along the coast where the South Downs meet the sea, the high chalk cliffs dominate. The Seven Sisters run west from Beachy Head, the highest sea cliff in Britain at 530 feet, to Brighton well known for its Royal Pavilion with its domes and minarets. Further west along the coast Bognor Regis has been a center for seaside relaxation for over 200 years. Over half of the county is protected countryside, offering walking on the South Downs, through bluebell woods and ancient royal forests, or be inspired by the glorious gardens of the Sussex Weald. Look out for birds and other wildlife in the nature reserves and country parks dotting the county.

    Self-catering country cottages, large country houses, apartments and other accommodation for long or short breaks in West Chiltington, West Sussex. Please click on any images shown to view the details of the self-catering accommodation, or use the Feature Pages menu on the left to find additional holiday homes in West Sussex and the south of England.